Friday, May 30, 2003


It makes it harder when even your dreams betray you. The subconscious speaking to the conscious mind.

Last night I dreampt that myself, my husband and the other guy (see previous posting) were sitting outside on a bench. My husband was being very rude to my friend... My friend got quite annoyed and he started telling my husband that he did not appreaciate that behaviour. I walked of into a craft shop and overheard as I walked off, "where is she?" from my husband, and the reply from my friend "your fat one went into that shop.

Am I insecure about my weight, surely not.

Anyway, I was quite hurt by the comment, and kept walking into the shop looking at the goods on display. I realised that I had to return to work because my lunch break was over and went into the lift and back to work.

Work passed with no time and I was on the bus home. (I don't ride buses to and from work, but never mind). I wasn't talking to either my friend or my husband because I was still hurt and annoyed at them. Because I was so absorbed in my own hurt, I missed my husband leaving the bus at our stop. I remained on the bus until my friend asked if I was going to get off the bus with him.

I got off the bus and stood there. I told my friend that I thought he didn't like me any more. He gave me a hug, kissed me on my forehead, cheek and neck and told me that of course he liked me. I walked back to his house and when we got there he went and had a shower. While he was in the shower a colleague called him and I answered the phone. She had made an update to the computer program we used at work and wanted him to test it.

When he had finished showering, I told him the message and we both tested the computer system.

The end. It was weird.